All in WORLD

Taking an intermission

In my second year as a violin student at the Curtis Institute of Music, my right arm started going numb from my elbow to my fingertips on a fairly regular basis. It was sort of like how your limbs feel right before they fall asleep: not full-on pins and needles, but a dull, hot emptiness, like there was no blood to keep that piece of me alive and vibrant.

Finding refuge in music

In the spring of 2017, I was looking through my family’s security box for my social security card. I came across a document from 1988 signed by the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees; it had my family’s last name on it. Puzzled, I approached my parents. What on earth was my family doing with the UNHCR? “You should probably sit down for this,” said my father.

Music Diplomacy: Music, brings the people together

One thing I have been doing a lot of during confinement is listen to a considerable amount of music. I absolutely love music and can not imagine my world without it. Through my career as a dancer, and subsequently as a Director and Artistic Director, music has been a central part of not only of my professional life, but also my personal life.